The Don and his associates


From the streets to the suites - every holder has their place

Current token price: $0.000000

Street Runner

Required Holdings:

10,000 - 100,000 $DON

Value: $0.00 - $0.00

The Story:

Every family starts somewhere. Street Runners are the up-and-comers, the hustlers, the ones who see the vision early. You might be small time now, but hey - even The Don started as a Street Runner.

“The Family's business plans are kept close to the chest...”

Benefits for made members coming soon


Required Holdings:

100,000 - 1,000,000 $DON

Value: $0.00 - $0.00

The Story:

Now we're talking. Associates have proven their loyalty to the family. Not yet made men, but respected enough to get a seat at the social club. The kind of holder who understands that in ICP we trust.

“The Family's business plans are kept close to the chest...”

Benefits for made members coming soon


Required Holdings:

1M - 10M $DON

Value: $0.00 - $0.00

The Story:

A made member of the family. Soldiers are the backbone of our operation. When The Don needs something done on the blockchain, these are the guys who make it happen. True believers in the Internet Computer revolution.

“The Family's business plans are kept close to the chest...”

Benefits for made members coming soon


Required Holdings:

10M - 50M $DON

Value: $0.00 - $0.00

The Story:

Capos are the heavy hitters. The kind of holders who don't just follow The Don's vision - they help shape it. When a Capo talks Internet Computer, even Bitcoin maxis listen... not that they'd admit it.

“The Family's business plans are kept close to the chest...”

Benefits for made members coming soon


Required Holdings:

50M - 100M $DON

Value: $0.00 - $0.00

The Story:

The elite of our family. These are the types who don't just hold bags - they hold influence. When an Underboss makes a move in the ICP ecosystem, the whole blockchain feels it. Second only to The Don himself.

“The Family's business plans are kept close to the chest...”

Benefits for made members coming soon

The Don

Required Holdings:

100M+ $DON

Value: $0.00+

The Story:

The highest honor in our family. These legends hold bags so heavy, they make Bitcoin whales look like guppies. When they speak about Internet Computer, it's not just talk - it's gospel. The true believers, the visionaries, the ones who saw what ICP could become.

“The Family's business plans are kept close to the chest...”

Benefits for made members coming soon